Tiffin is a delicious and affordable experience which focus on providing good quality food.
To create a platform where needfull individuals can get and sell delicious and good quality food at an affordable price.
First Step
After our meeting with the client, we started the process of requirement gathering, we have to create a platform where people can buy and sell good quality food at their nearby location in a convenient and pleasurable way. So for better understanding, we have divided the users into two categories:-
1. Foodie
2.Cooking Enthusiast

Problems that we wanted to solve:-
1.  Providing easy access of home cooked food.
2. Enabling users to find good quality food at affordable price.
3. Providing platform for Cooking Enthusiast to leverage their expertise in cooking.
Lean Canvas

Consumer Behaviour Research
Our team also conducted industry analysis research through which we found some valuable data to have a better understanding towards users.
User Interviews
After finalising the personas we started the process of user interviews. We conducted interviews with few individuals some of them as students and working professionals.
Participant Criteria
Students based in Melbourne
Age 18 - 30 years old
Eat out at least once a week
Gets food delivered at least once a week

Cooking Enthusiast
Cooking enthusiasts based in Melbourne
Aged 20 - 40 years old
Cooks at home and loves to serve others
Have experience cooking for others.

Focus Area
The research into students and cooking enthusiasts focused on 3 main aspects
1. What processes do they go through?
2. What is important to them?
3. What frustrates them?

How are students ordering food
1. A majority of people are using existing food delivery platforms and applications.
2. Ordering over the phone and picking up is still occurring.
3. With that said, many people have also voiced their frustration with the recent introduction of the $5 delivery fee.

What frustrate students
1. Price of getting food delivery was a key pain point for students. The average amount that students are paying per meal when they eat out is can range between $20 - $40.
2. Students are aware that home-cooked meals have the potential to be
cheaper. Convenience seems to be a key attractor.

Consideration for Home Cooks
1. Home cooks on average seem to be spending upwards of 1 - 2 hours cooking for
someone else.
2. Preparing the ingredients seems to be one of the most-time consuming process
for cooks. Many also voiced that grocery shopping can be fairly arduous, especially if
they don’t have the ingredients that they require.

Pain Points
After analysing the above research and digging deeper in the user interviews data I managed to List out some pain points.
1. No availability for home cooked food service.
2. High Delivery cost.
3. Due to the high cost of food, it is not affordable on a daily basis.
4. No structurize system for Cooks to sell their home cooked food.
5. Some of the cooks will not be able to provide food delivery service.
Users Persona
Considering the research data and requirements we have created two personas one for "Foodie" and other for "Cooking Enthusiast".
Problems statement and proposed solutions

Problem - Not having easy access of home cooked food. People are aware of home cooked
food but do not have a platform from where they can order. Also getting food delivered
on time is a major concern.
Solution - Providing a platform only for home cooked food with the nearby search feature
so that it's become convenient for the people to get food delivered on time. This feature
will also help Cooks in the food delivery process.

Problem - Not able to get good quality food at affordable price.
Solution - By creating this platform we are enabling people to find good quality food at
affordable price. Currently, on an average, they spend between $20 - $40 per meal but the
home cooked food is going to cheaper.

Problem - No structurize system for Cooks to sell their home cooked food.
Solution - Providing a platform(Web Application) for Cooking Enthusiast to leverage their
expertise in cooking and also able to earn money from that.

Problem - Some of the cooks will not be able to provide food delivery service and the high cost of food delivery for foodies.
Solution - To solve this for Home Cooks I provided two option "Delivery" and "Pickup" considering the nearby search feature. The cooks who are not able to provide food delivery service can post the dishes with the self-pickup option which will be convenient for the foodie as they don't have to pay any delivery fee.​​​​​​​
User Flow & Wire-framing
We started making user flow for 2 personas 1st for "Foodie" and 2nd is for "Cooking Enthusiast". The region to implement this is to give both the users personas a simple and direct approach. We also took different platform for different personas:-
Foodie - Hybrid, iOS and Android Native
Cooking Enthusiast - Responsive Web 
Foodie Flow
Foodie Wireframes
Cook Flow
Cook Wireframes
App Visuals (Foodie)
Web Visuals (Cook)
Thank You

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